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当前关于城市“管理”的理论研究中,“城市治理”的话语正在取代“城市管理”,由此形成的各种对城市的认知也反映在城市的实践中,譬如,提倡提高公众参与、实施精细化治理、信仰信息技术等。通过审视城市治理主张的公众参与假设、技术治理假设和空间治理假设,文章提出治理理论的兴起不足以取代城市管理理论;对管理主义的批评,不能通盘否定“管理”理论对城市的重要作用。主张重塑城市管理理念,以管理思想处理理性与自由的关系,理清并守住政府的职责,警惕唯市场效率,探索多元价值的平衡之道,贡献管理公共性的经验,促进国家治理能力和治理体系的现代化。  相似文献   
This study investigated causal mechanisms of poverty reproduction in EU countries by placing emphasis on the parental background effect on sons’ poverty risk after having controlled for endogeneity among observable and non‐observable effects of the involved mechanisms. The countries under investigation were old EU member states representing the four welfare regimes in the EU. Having employed path models and utilised EU‐SILC 2005 data, the analysis yielded no statistically significant direct effect of parental background on sons’ poverty risk in Denmark. Greece, however, exhibited a statistically significant and quite strong direct effect. Germany and the United Kingdom stood in‐between. Moreover, the analysis found indirect channels through which the parental background affects sons’ poverty risk. These findings are expected to enrich the academic discourse and inform the policy‐making process on poverty reproduction and social protection in the EU.  相似文献   

The implosion of popular struggles against the erosion of economic and democratic rights in the Middle East has thrown into sharp relief the co-constitutive character of neoliberal reforms and authoritarian state practices. This article zooms in on this relationship, and traces the consolidation of a core component of authoritarian statisms by examining how the ruling AKP government in Turkey has facilitated executive centralization. This process refers to a form of state restructuring whereby key decision-making powers are increasingly concentrated in the hands of the central government while democratic avenues to contest government policies are curtailed through legal and administrative reforms, and the marginalization of dissident social forces. I unpack the mechanisms of executive centralization in Turkey by exploring the transformation of urban governance under AKP rule, which has promoted a spectacular degree of state-led commodification of land and housing while simultaneously recentralizing key decision-making powers. The investigation demonstrates that executive centralization in urban governance has paved the way for the swift implementation of contested urban transformation projects marked by a non-participatory approach to urban ‘renewal’, the reconfiguration of the state’s redistributive function vis-à-vis low-income households, and a tendency to exacerbate existing patterns of inequalities in the housing market.  相似文献   
为识别中国参与全球经济治理体系改革面临的挑战,探索《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)的签署为中国参与全球经济治理体系改革带来的机遇,对中国借力RCEP推动全球经济治理体系改革的路径进行研究。研究发现,既有全球经济治理体系机制建设滞后,个别国家蓄意设置治理障碍,逆全球化浪潮削弱了改革共识; RCEP能够为中国参与全球经济治理体系改革带来新的契机,有助于重构合理高效的全球经济治理机制,消弭单边和霸权主义障碍,弥合全球多边政治互信; 中国亟需紧抓RCEP签署的机遇,加快构建开放型经济新体制,凝聚区域经贸合作伙伴力量妥善处理中美竞合新关系,积极探索全球投资贸易治理机制创新,推动“一带一路”倡议与RCEP框架良好对接,守护多边主义,巩固政治互信。  相似文献   
《Long Range Planning》2022,55(3):102121
The ability of Top Management Teams (TMTs) to reflect critically on their own actions represents an important element of effective TMT decision making and governance effectiveness. This paper therefore examines how the TMT-board interface internal to the organization, as well as the TMT interface with the external supervisory authority, shape TMT reflexivity. Drawing from governance and psychological theories, we posit that cognitive conflict at the TMT-board interface can escalate by increasing levels of affective TMT-board conflict, and hereby, harm TMT reflexivity if not managed well. This proposition was tested in a multisource team-level data set collected in the field among TMTs (N = 111 TMT members) and their supervisory boards (N = 152 board members) of 56 Dutch insurance companies. The findings demonstrate that the link between cognitive and affective TMT-board conflict is mitigated by board membership influx. Yet in cases where conflict escalation does occur, its subsequent impact on TMT reflexivity hinges on the degree to which an external supervisory authority monitored TMT actions. The results illustrate that TMT decision making processes can be effectively influenced by internal and external TMT-governance interfaces, yet at different conflict stages, and through different governance actions.  相似文献   
物资调运时间为区间数的最短路问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对紧急状态下物资调配时间为区间数问题,在经典的Dijkstra算法基础上,通过定义一个算子,把区间数序关系转换成实数序关系,对区间数进行排序,给出了区间数的最短路算法。  相似文献   
地方政府的治理创新正在出现一种新的趋势:在“稳中求进”的政治考虑下,结合技术治理与运动式治理以实现特定的目标。借鉴拉图尔转译社会学理论,对F市“创城”过程中专家系统的转译行为进行研究发现,转译行动的实施赋予了专家系统行动者的身份,由此编织起的行动者网络能够实现治理资源的流动并促进治理效能的提升,从而形成技治主义运动式治理。作为技治主义运动式治理范式的“创城”是在转译行动建构下的内部转型与外部适配的过程。此种寓技术治理于运动式治理的范式并非简单的要素叠加,而是受到了专家系统的行动建构,将技术与政治进行了结构性整合,以使其匹配现阶段社会治理的总体目标。现实的合理性与治理的有效性是采取这一模式的根本原因。  相似文献   
冯存万 《国际论坛》2020,(1):41-54,157
21世纪以来的全球治理体系面临着复杂的结构性变化,全球议题的类型谱系扩散且严峻程度走高,全球治理局部实践模式及层级趋于弱化,部分主要国家参与全球治理的能力及意愿发生逆转并引发国际社会对全球治理公共产品的需求转向,这些变化将在根本上重新塑造国际关系及大国外交。作为引领全球化和积极参与全球治理的重要行为体,中国与欧盟的内部发展及外部关系均面临着转型与调整的客观需求。全球治理变化对于中国与欧盟而言具有多重影响,它既是推动中国与欧盟开展政策调整的外部动力,也是构建新型双边关系的重要契机。作为当今世界至关重要的两大力量,中国与欧盟需要全面认知全球治理变化的深刻内涵,并在探索发掘其中机遇的同时构建持续而稳定的中欧战略合作关系。通过“一带一路”倡议与“欧亚互联互通战略”的接触与融合,可以实现中欧全球治理战略的复合对接、强化中欧双边关系的战略自主、深化传统及新型领域的战略合作,并为全球治理贡献必要且关键的动力支持。  相似文献   
当前深度贫困已经成为脱贫攻坚中的“坚中之坚”,发展能力与机会的缺失以及心理的失衡与自然、经济上的致贫因素交织互构使得深度贫困不断地积累和沉淀,并突出地表现在地域与人群两个方面。深度贫困主体的现实境遇启示我们必须超越传统的治贫理念、方法和路径,发挥伦理关怀的功能。伦理关怀是深度贫困主体的内在需要,无论从责任、正义角度还是基于关怀伦理立场,社会都有为深度贫困主体提供伦理关怀的义务。在伦理关怀中,我们要以生存为基础,完善“深度贫困”的物质关怀体系;以尊重为宗旨,满足深度贫困群体的精神需求;以制度为保障,促进深度贫困群体的权利实现;以发展为目标,培育“深度贫困”消解的自我发展能力。  相似文献   
苏欣  李福泉 《国际论坛》2020,(1):142-155,160
跨界俾路支族群是伴随欧洲的殖民扩张和势力范围的强行划分逐步出现的,并随着真正意义上具有独立主权的巴基斯坦、伊朗、阿富汗等民族国家的建立而正式固定化。对俾路支族群自身而言,作为各国内部的少数群体,都面临政治参与度低、经济贫瘠、文化落后等一系列族群发展的本质性问题。从民族国家层面来看,俾路支族群分离主义主导下俾路支人跨界联合,将促生一个潜在区域性国际关系行为体的形成,这对民族国家的政治版图构成极大的威胁与挑战。就地区安全形势而言,俾路支叛乱组织发动的恐怖主义活动日益猖狂,对中巴经济走廊的建设带来消极影响。从全球性问题的角度看,跨界俾路支人聚居区已成为毒品贩运和难民非法偷渡的天然门户,这不仅严重影响着国际社会的安全,也引发了严峻的国际人道主义危机。正确区分俾路支民众的合理诉求与叛乱分子的分离主义动机,高度重视俾路支部落首领的作用,切实构建一个容纳俾路支人的命运共同体,是跨界俾路支族群问题治理的最佳路径。  相似文献   
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